Stay informed
We will be happy to inform you about news.
Dear all!
From December 20th 2021 we will let this year fade out. We are back on January 10th 2022.
See you next year. Stay safe and confident!
We are proud to tell you that the new Netflix production "Into the night" uses our VIER IM POTT flight simulator for the cockpit internal scenes in the new season 2. Due to Covid restrictions all over Europe the cockpit was transported from the season 1 shooting location in Sofia to Brussels. There the scenes for season 2 have been taken. Watch the trailer here.
Congratulations to our customer The Pilot Center in Athens, Greece for the award as Travellers’ Choice 2021 by Tripadvisor. You have done a remarkable job and we are proud that we were able to support with our A320 flight simulator.
Some young and committed film students have decided to make a short film. The story is not revealed, but it takes place in an airplane cockpit. We were happy to support the young people and made the showroom simulator available. The short film is to be shown at various film festivals. We are looking forward to the result.
Dear all,
Our company will be closed for summer break from July 26th until August 17th. All messages will be answered later. In case of emergency support please use the established communication channels.
Hope to see you soon again. Stay safe!
We have a new toy at our production site in Dresden that allows us to produce larger products. Stay tuned to see what we mean by that. :-)
From time to time we show other companies copying our products or taking our product pictures without asking. Here is an update from a company we already know doing this since two years now.
See here: Only cool brands are copied (part 3).
This company has taken our product picture and refused to remove it from their website.
Here is what customers get, when buying from there:
VOR Training & Flight Solutions S.A.C. has successfully launched their FSTD in Lima, Peru. The local team did an awesome job! Thank you for a great collaborative project.
Despite of the mandatory software you need to run a Premium A320 Flight Simulator there is a couple of additional software you can use to increase realism and flight experience. In this article we list some ideas for additional software you might like. This list is based on our personal experience without claim of completeness.
Orbx is a great source to improve your simulator visuals accros the entire globe. In other words. Orbx is more or less essential for every simulator. In addition you will find mamy add-on airports to improve your local scenery. We personally like the fact that all software comes with one central management software (Orbx Central) which makes installation and maintenance very easy.
Simmarket is a very big market place to find additional software. You can buy add-ons from different vendors in one central store. We personally like that you have all serial numbers and downloads in one single place.
Hifisimtech provides a software called Active Sky P3D. This add-on allows you to inject real weather into your simulator environment so that you can always fly under the current weather conditions. It also provides historical weather so you can recall interesting weather conditions any time.
VIER IM POTT delivers flight simulators to commercial and private customers all over the world. We are proud to report that one of our A320 Premium Plug & Fly Simulators successfully made it half around the world to the Philippines. Michael and his team did an excellent job setting up the simulator with only very little remote support. Thank you for a great project!
Dear all,
For customers with limited space we invented a new product to hold the front overhead and reduce the neccessary size of the simulator to a further minimum. The A320 front overhead is suitable for a dual and a single seat cockpit especially when you don't have enough depth in your room. The stand is made from powder coated steel and looking very nice. Your cables are well covered by an internal cable duct.
The A320 overhead stand can also be used for mobile solutions.
You will find the dimensions in our shop:
Most of us are currently in a lockdown and cannot go anywhere. Let's jump into the flight simulator and dream about your next destination...
We are proud to welcome another member of the VIER IM POTT family. Sim Aviation has recently opened a brand new professional flight experience center in Bordeaux, a beautiful city in South-West France.
Please visit their website here:
We are happy to announce that VIER IM POTT has successfully delivered a FSTD to South America. With our modular open trainer the VOR Training & Flight Solutions S.A.C. has chosen a cost effective solution to do pilot training.
Did you know? Projector bulbs loos up to 50 % of its brightness over the years. This is the reason why we deliver our professional computer packages with spare bulbs - to ensure investment security!
After almost five years of use we change the lamps in our showroom in Bottrop.
Did you notice? With the latest stable version 1.43 of the ProSim A320 you can now import flightplans from Simbrief directly into the FMS. So no need to type in waypoint by waypoint into the MCDU anymore! This is how it works.
1. Generate your flight plan in Simbrief.
2. On the INIT-Page press "REQUEST*".
From time to time we allow young and enthusiastic people to visit our showroom and gain their first experience in our A320 cockpit. It is our aim to give future pilots an insight into the world of aviation.
Last summer, Nora and Moritz visited us and - it seems - had a lot of fun trying out our simulator.
PS: This event took place at a time when a flight in the cockpit was possible without any problems taking into account the necessary hygiene measures. The youngsters were alone in the cockpit during the entire flight and - except for the picture - always wore a protective mouth and nose cover.
We will be happy to inform you about news.
Jähne GmbH für Produktinnovation
Freiberger Straße 114, 01159 Dresden
Telefon: 0351 4116349
Öffnungszeiten: Mo - Fr 08:00 - 17:00
Unser Showroom in Bottrop, NRW ist für Privat- und Geschäftskunden geöffnet. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.
Zum Testen unserer Produkte vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin.
Die Produkte von VIER IM POTT sind in keiner Weise mit den Flugzeugherstellern verbunden oder werden von ihnen unterstützt. Unsere Simulationsprodukte sind keine Originalteile der Flugzeughersteller und können nicht für professionelles Flugtraining verwendet werden. Sie ähneln funktionell den echten Teilen, die jedoch nicht in einem echten Flugzeug verwendet werden können. Sie dürfen nur zu Simulationszwecken verwendet werden.