How to clean a simulator

Hi all, 

Some customers have asked us for tricks on how to defeat the dust in a simulator without having to disassemble everything or damage the panels. So here's the way we do it.

First, we need to locate the vacuum cleaner in the house. With a furniture brush with very soft bristles (such as horsehair), the dust can be removed even from the smallest corners and the Sim looks like new again. In addition, this procedure does not take long and you can fly back quickly.

  3791 Hits

How to mount a sidestick on a Logitech Attack 3 Joystick


We often get the question, how to install a side stick on a joystick mechanic. Markus from Austria has kindly taken the trouble and documented the whole procedure for cockpit builders:

 Tools you need:

  • Wood Saw
  • Wirecutter
  • telephone pliers
  • Dremel (alternative: file)
  • Soldering iron (15W) + solder
  • Allen wrench


1. Remove of the original handle
Remove all the screws on the handle, (there are two screws below the rubber sleeve). On the bottom part of the handle there is a tap that holds the two parts of the handle together.

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VIER IM POTT Showroom Settings

We are often asked for our recommendation for settings in P3D. Due to many factors, there is no universal answer. However, we are happy to share with you the parameters that work well for us in terms of balanced graphics performance and stable frame ...

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  1476 Hits

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Jähne GmbH für Produktinnovation
Freiberger Straße 114, 01159 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 4116349
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00


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To test our products, please make an appointment.

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VIER IM POTT products are in no way affiliated or endorsed by the aircraft manufacturers. Our simulation products are no genuine aircraft manufacturer parts and cannot be used for professional flight training. They functionally resemble the real parts, that cannot be used in a real aircraft and should only be used for simulation purposes.

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