Showroom Bottrop (20) - Fancy stuff

During our planning phase we decided for a little fancy fun thing. This annunciator lights green when the sim is powered. The other field is red an should be connected with the door look switch to avoid any distorbance during take-off and approach (not sure if my wife and kids will comply with these signs, but at least I can show them the flight status. And that's all about... :-)


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Visit us at AERO Friedrichshafen

We proudly present our most realistic A320 flight simulator at the International Trade Show for General Aviation in Friedrichshafen. Looking forward to seeing you there!

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AERO Expo 2018 - Friedrichshafen

Almost ready! :-)

Radio interview


TV interview

How to plan a home cockpit - Lecture of Christian, VIER IM POTT

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Mountains everywhere...

Mountains everywhere...approaching Klagenfurt (LOWK)

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Departing Graz...

Interesting departure from Graz. Heading west towards Friedrichshafen.

We simply love flying!

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Pilots test simulators differently...

We recently had a visit from a pilot team from Spain. It was really intersting to see how differently professionals test our products. Private customers usually intend to fly the aircraft perfectly. Commercial customers always try to brake the plane and do something they are not allowed in real simulators... :-)

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First VIER IM POTT Flight Simulator in South Korea

It's a honour, to introduce the first VIER IM POTT Flight Simulator in the Seoul Simulation Center in South Korea.

The simulator has been pre-assembled in Germany. The final installation was done by the local team with remote support from us.

Congratulations - Good job!

SSC Website

Simulator on the picture is shown during a testflight...

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Commercial Entertainment Simulator at the Delta Museum near Paris-Orly

It's a pleasure for us to promote our commercial customer Aero-Simulation by JetCity in France, near Paris-Orly. The simulator is located in the Delta Museum and mainly used for public activity. 

"We are proud to use a VIER IM POTT simulator. Our customers are really impressed by the realism and quality of the shell. Most professional pilots express that it feels "like a real cockpit" when they fly with it. Congratulations to the VIER IM POTT team and thanks again." 

- Pierre Letessier., France

The simulator is mainly used for public activity and it can also be adapted for handicap people using a wheelchair on boths sides. Some real pilots are in contact with Aero Simulation to use the sim as a private training device before their own exams. As they are located in the Delta Museam they can offer a visit of the famous concored after the flight.

Please visit their website:

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Cleaning day...

With a little love the sim will look like brand new and never used. Just remove dust and clean windows...

  2371 Aufrufe

The Pilot Center business launch

We are happy to announce that VIER IM POTT has finished its first project in Greece. The Pilot Center recently opened its doors to the public giving customers extraordinary flight experience in Athens.

When you are in Athens, make sure you visit: The Pilot Center



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Update from our favorite single seat cockpit customer in Switzerland...

Rudy, you've raised the upper limit again..!

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Customer Feedback from Günter W.

After delivery of the individual parts of the simulator, the individual parts were assembled mechanically and electrically with instructions and super support. The basic structure with all the associated planning and preparations such as room design took about 1 year.

In the event of problems or defective parts, help was given immediately, many thanks to the support team!

The concept and quality of the simulator are well coordinated. If you want a simulator “as real as it gets”, you've come to the right place. All in all, this is a quality product and worth every penny for enthusiastic pilots! I am very satisfied with the delivered product and it is modularly expandable!

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Potential customers do an intense simulator testing.

Successful in depth testing of our A320 full shell by some competent members of the avation industry. Many thanks for taking the time to visit our showroom in Bottrop, NRW, Germany!

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  2024 Aufrufe

New Product Development...

We started a new product development to enhance realism especially to private and commercial entertainment customers who want to achieve maximum immersion. Stay tuned!


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Sim Aviation Bordeaux

We are happy do announce that Sim Aviation Bordeaux has decided for our Premium Plug & Fly A320 Flight Simulator solution. Go and visit them here:

Happy Landings and good luck for your opening!


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VIER IM POTT delivers FSTD to training center in Lima (Peru)

We are happy to announce that VIER IM POTT has successfully delivered a FSTD to South America. With our modular open trainer the VOR Training & Flight Solutions S.A.C. has chosen a cost effective solution to do pilot training.




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Sim Aviation Bordeaux - Welcome to the VIER IM POTT family!

We are proud to welcome another member of the VIER IM POTT family. Sim Aviation has recently opened a brand new professional flight experience center in Bordeaux, a beautiful city in South-West France.

Please visit their website here:



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New product: A320 Overhead Stand

Dear all, 

For customers with limited space we invented a new product to hold the front overhead and reduce the neccessary size of the simulator to a further minimum. The A320 front overhead is suitable for a dual and a single seat cockpit especially when you don't have enough depth in your room. The stand is made from powder coated steel and looking very nice. Your cables are well covered by an internal cable duct.

The A320 overhead stand can also be used for mobile solutions.

 You will find the dimensions in our shop:

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VIER IM POTT Premium Plug & Fly Simulator in the Philippines

VIER IM POTT delivers flight simulators to commercial and private customers all over the world. We are proud to report that one of our A320 Premium Plug & Fly Simulators successfully made it half around the world to the Philippines. Michael and his team did an excellent job setting up the simulator with only very little remote support. Thank you for a great project!


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VOR Training & Flight Solutions from Lima, Peru

VOR Training & Flight Solutions S.A.C. has successfully launched their FSTD in Lima, Peru. The local team did an awesome job! Thank you for a great collaborative project.


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Stay informed

We will be happy to inform you about news.


Jähne GmbH für Produktinnovation
Freiberger Straße 114, 01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 4116349
Öffnungszeiten: Mo - Fr 08:00 - 17:00


Unser Showroom in Bottrop, NRW ist für Privat- und Geschäftskunden geöffnet. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Zum Testen unserer Produkte vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin.

Social Media

Die Produkte von VIER IM POTT sind in keiner Weise mit den Flugzeugherstellern verbunden oder werden von ihnen unterstützt. Unsere Simulationsprodukte sind keine Originalteile der Flugzeughersteller und können nicht für professionelles Flugtraining verwendet werden. Sie ähneln funktionell den echten Teilen, die jedoch nicht in einem echten Flugzeug verwendet werden können. Sie dürfen nur zu Simulationszwecken verwendet werden.

Wir bemühen uns innerhalb von 24 h zu antworten.