We had the unique opportunity to take part in an approach to Nice RWY 22R on the jumpseat. Now we try to fly this approach in the simulator. Can we do it as well as a real pilot? Well - of course not :-) But it's an interesting attempt to fly as precisely as real pilots do.
The approach to the 22R in Nice is so exciting because it includes a 90 degree turn on the final approach.
Our friend was kind enough to give us a few tips on how to prepare for the approach. This is a good example of how helpful real pilots are to the community. Many thanks for that! It was an impressive experience!
Simbrief and Navigraph
Many of you will know and love these tools. For those of you who don't know them yet: Simbrief and Navigraph are the perfect combination when it comes to flight planning and charts. The annual subscription fee is manageable for what you get for the money. Various database formats make it possible to keep the data of the calculation tool and the simulator synchronised.