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Hi all,
Well another question on side base. Hope this time it will be a bit easier to answer. ;-)
As far as we could find out the tiller panel has its own backlighting. And for sure - you can dimm this panel like all others. Does anybody know by which dimm knob this backlight is controlled?
Your help is very appreciated!
+++ UPDATE +++
Ben from Italy was so kind to answer our question: backlight illumination of tillers is provided by the INTEG LT MAIN PNL with the PED POT situated on the lower left side of pedestal.
Many thanks, Ben!
+++ Update +++
Another reader of this blog was so kind to point the schematic of the backlighting. Thank you very much, your help is allways appreciated!
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Freiberger Straße 114, 01159 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 4116349
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00
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VIER IM POTT products are in no way affiliated or endorsed by the aircraft manufacturers. Our simulation products are no genuine aircraft manufacturer parts and cannot be used for professional flight training. They functionally resemble the real parts, that cannot be used in a real aircraft and should only be used for simulation purposes.