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During computer maintenance and when we want to try something out, we usually have our projectors switched off to save power and wear and tear. However, since switching our visual system to the new projectors, we have had an annoying problem. If the projectors are switched off, they are no longer recognised by Windows. As a result, the entire screen configuration is messed up.
Until now, we thought there wasn't much we could do about it. But then Michael came along and gave us a crucial hint. (see comments in Blogpost here)
EDID emulator. It is plugged between the graphics card and the projector and tricks the computer into believing that a screen is on or present. The small part does not cost much compared to the benefit it provides (Amazon: approx. 15 EUR per piece)
After installing the hardware, we had to set up the visual again. Of course, because the system has a "new" screen to process. But after that we had no more problems.
Many thanks to Michael (unknown) for this very helpful tip!
Technical Background
An EDID emulator is a device designed to emulate the Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) of a monitor or other display device. The EDID is a data structure provided by modern monitors that contains information about their capabilities and settings. This information is used by the computer or other video source to ensure optimal image output.
The way an EDID emulator works is that it stores the EDID data of an actual connected monitor and then passes this data to the video source, even if no monitor is connected. In this way, the video source can continue to be configured correctly as if a monitor were connected, enabling smooth and reliable operation even if no actual monitor is connected.
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Kommentare 3
A few video cards such as the Nvidia Quadro also have this function built in; useful for the other displays of the flight deck such as the PFD/ND/ECAM/MCDU.
hello, thanks for this information. Is this problem caused by Windows 11 or the nature of the video projector?
Well, in this case I would basically point to the video projector. If this projector does not provide any display information when switched off, Win11 cannot do much about it. But as Ben Lim (above) said, there are video boards that have this sort of function built-in.