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One of our customers has built a closed single-seater cockpit with a 180° outside view. To give flight simulator enthusiasts some hints for building such a cockpit, we include the description of his construction in our blog. On the other hand, we are interested in learning about a potential demand for prefabricated VIER IM POTT parts for a single seater. Please contact us if you have questions or suggestions.
To keep the simulator base free from intruding screws, the wheels and struts are glued to the boards. This ensures area-wide 19 mm depth for wood insert nuts.
Wood screws have only been used for the reinforcement of non-detachable bonds.
The cockpit rack (side stays and roof beams) is built for adequate load bearing and torsion resistance:
Some VIER IM POTT shell frame parts have been shortened to make the shell frame fit onto the simulator base plate. The overhead panel is suspended to a roof cross-beam in order to obviate positioning restrictions for the monitors.
The asymmetric cockpit is designed to mimic the A320 original as accurately as possible but adapted to the constraints of a single-seater:
The cockpit before installation of the monitors and the enclosure:
All self-made parts except the monitor supports (aluminium profiles) are made of wood, mostly of plywood (6 mm and 4 mm) and square wood strips.
Finished cockpit:
Five Samsung 4k TVs arranged as follows:
To cover the wider of the two display bezels, there is a small overlap of the TVs (not shown in the diagram above).
The outside view is defined by a Prepar3D View Group configured according to the monitor setup. Approximate View Frustum Values are:
The single seater configuration and the floor space restrictions precluded a symmetric arrangement of the monitors. Nevertheless, the visual impression is very appealing and gives a stunning flying experience:
We will be happy to inform you about news.
Jähne GmbH für Produktinnovation
Freiberger Straße 114, 01159 Dresden
Telefon: 0351 4116349
Öffnungszeiten: Mo - Fr 08:00 - 17:00
Unser Showroom in Bottrop, NRW ist für Privat- und Geschäftskunden geöffnet. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.
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Die Produkte von VIER IM POTT sind in keiner Weise mit den Flugzeugherstellern verbunden oder werden von ihnen unterstützt. Unsere Simulationsprodukte sind keine Originalteile der Flugzeughersteller und können nicht für professionelles Flugtraining verwendet werden. Sie ähneln funktionell den echten Teilen, die jedoch nicht in einem echten Flugzeug verwendet werden können. Sie dürfen nur zu Simulationszwecken verwendet werden.