Cockpit Dimensions


The following diagrams show examples of different sizes of complete cockpits.

Your cockpit is unique. If in doubt, let us advise you!

Full Shell

The full shell corresponds to a full-size cockpit.


Please note that the height specifications do not take the cockpit floor into account. It is best to plan with 80 mm.

Shell Size M

The Shell Size M corresponds to a full-size closed cockpit. For space reasons, however, it is cut off behind the side windows.


Please allow sufficient space for mounting the shell parts and let us advise you in case of doubt!

Dual Seat with Overhead Stand

This variant is often used for open training cockpits. However, the overhead stand only carries the front overhead.


Dual Seat Shell Frame Medium

This is the smallest possible cockpit that can accommodate both front and aft overhead sections.


There is an extension kit with which windscreens can also be fitted in this cockpit.

Dual Seat Shell Frame Mini

We recommend this variant if only minimal space is available.


Please note that the Shell Frame Mini is not compatible with our cockpit seats!

Single Seat with Overhead Stand

The Overhead Stand can also be used together with a Single Seat Cockpit. The advantage is good accessibility from the rear. Our professional pilot's seat can be used.


Please consider the width of the overhead stand1

Single Seat Shell Frame Mini

This is the smallest possible cockpit for a single seat cockpit.


Please note that the Shell Frame Mini is not compatible with our cockpit seats!

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Jähne GmbH für Produktinnovation
Freiberger Straße 114, 01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 4116349
Öffnungszeiten: Mo - Fr 08:00 - 17:00


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Die Produkte von VIER IM POTT sind in keiner Weise mit den Flugzeugherstellern verbunden oder werden von ihnen unterstützt. Unsere Simulationsprodukte sind keine Originalteile der Flugzeughersteller und können nicht für professionelles Flugtraining verwendet werden. Sie ähneln funktionell den echten Teilen, die jedoch nicht in einem echten Flugzeug verwendet werden können. Sie dürfen nur zu Simulationszwecken verwendet werden.

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