Flight Control Dimensions


The tiller is designed for installation in a sidebase.

The axis and the pushbutton are connected via the sidestick mechanism or via a standard USB game controller card.


The Tiller panel has integrated backlighting. It is connected to the backlighting of the MIP/pedestal via a cable.


Rudders (mechanical)

The rudder pedal system does not require an underfloor construction. However, it must be fixed to the floor, otherwise it will slide backwards during operation.


Both rudder pedals are connected to each other via cables. These bowden cables provide the linkage for the rudder movement. The connection of the braking movement is optionally available and recommended.


The USB port is located on the back of the CPT side. The mechanical rudder pedals do not require a separate power supply.

Please note that the rudder pedals are connected to each other via the cables on delivery. The cable connection must not be disconnected for transport and installation!

Two single mechanical rudder pedals cannot simply be connected. If you want to add a second side later, please contact us beforehand.

CLS Rudders (electrical)

The rudder pedal system does not require an underfloor construction. However, it must be fixed to the floor, otherwise it will slide backwards during operation.


The rudder pedals are each connected to a controller box. This requires a USB connection and a separate power supply for control loading.

Please note that the rudder pedals are connected to each other via the cables on delivery. The cable connection must not be disconnected for transport and installation!

The CLS rudder pedals are suitable for EASA FNPTII+MCC certified simulators as well as for entertainment and ambitious private users.

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Jähne GmbH für Produktinnovation
Freiberger Straße 114, 01159 Dresden

Telefon: 0351 4116349
E-Mail: cockpit@vier-im-pott.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mo - Fr 08:00 - 17:00


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