Captain Tango, Flight Path Simulation (US)

We are pleased to introduce Captain Tango, a talented individual from the USA who has built a fantastic home cockpit. With dedication and expertise in the field of flight simulation, he was able to realise his dream of building his own A320 cockpit. Captain Tango's project serves as inspiration for anyone who wants to create their own flying experience at home.

His project idea is remarkable and his build offers a realistic and immersive flight simulation experience. A full-size Airbus A320 cockpit with 180-degree field of view on three large 4K TV screens. The cockpit is fully functional for both the captain and first officer, allowing two virtual pilots to experience the joy of flying as a crew.

Thank you, Captain Tango, for sharing your cockpit's remarkable journey with us. Good luck with all your future flights in your Home Cockpit.

For more information please visit his website: 

Compact A320 training device
Professional Electric Rudder Pedals


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Freitag, 14. März 2025

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